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उत्पाद वर्णन

Special Features

  • All steel and robust construction-long life.

  • Balanced aspirator fan for vibration less and smooth working.

  • Low level feed hopper with rubber feed roll and controlled feed gate.

  • Independent and step less variable air control.

  • Travelling nylon brush screen cleaning system for grading screens and mechanical rubber beaters for top screen.

  • Self emptying type sieve deck assembly, spouts and air expansion chambers.

  • Interchangeable and easily replaceable sieves, Grading sieves are mounted on light weight, durable square steel pipe frame to give longer life and flat surface of the sieve.

  • Pulley guard and inside light system-for safe and easy working.

  • Brush trolley rollers with bearing.


Seeds/Grains are fed into the feed hopper, are lifted by aspiration and fall on the top screen. During lifting process, the heavier matters like stones, iron pieces etc. are separated and drop on the floor. Before falling on the top screen, seeds/ grains are also subjected to the primary air aspiration which removes dust, straw, chaff and other lighter impurities. Seeds/grains then pass through three screen arrangement for separation according to width and thickness. After passing over the middle screen, the graded seed/grain is again subjected to second stage air aspiration for removal of deceased grain/seed and left over lighter impurities. The final product (first grade), second grade and impurities are collected separately.

Screen Arrangement:

  • Top Screen:Removes oversize material/impurities.
  • Middle Screen:Grades the material received through the top screen. The good/desired material passes over and the
  • under size material passes throught his screen & fall over the bottom screen.
  • Bottom Screen:Grades the under size material received through middle screen.The cleaned under size material passes over and the under size impurities pass through this screen.

Standard Accessories

2 meter long air trunk, 1 no. air bend, one set of 3-screens for one particular crop seed and tool

Optional Accessories

Cyclone dust collector, Additional air trunk and Air bend, Additional screens for various crop seeds.

क्रय आवश्यकता विवरण दर्ज करें
ईमेल आईडी
मोबाइल नंबर

Seed Grader अन्य उत्पाद